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Salinas River 

Arundo in the Salinas River

Arundo unwaned plant flyer

In August 2019, the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District was awarded funding from the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Noxious Weeds Grant Program for the “Salinas River Watershed Arundo Eradication Program” . The goal of the Program was to identify and map populations of invasive Arundo donax (Arundo) within the Upper Salinas River and improve overall ecosystem health of the river through partnerships with landowners, farmers, and local agencies. Funding for the Program ended in March 2021. To view the results in the final report, click here: 

Arundo in the Upper Salinas River_Results_FINAL.pdf

If you would like to learn more about Arundo in the Salinas River, our involvement with eradication efforts, or report Arundo sightings, please contact